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Affiliate Marketing: When Diversification Is a Myth

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Ace Affiliates published an article earlier this year calling out diversification as perhaps the most fundamental of all affiliate marketing strategies. Diversification meaning that you don't choose only one affiliate program, and you never, ever rely on a single product.

Yeah, well, that's not entirely true. There are times when choosing a single affiliate program, or even a single product, may be the best affiliate marketing strategy of all.

Just make sure to pay attention to the signs that "when" is now.

When You Have a Unique Point-of-View on a Product

If you are a Mom who used to have one of those "mom pouch" bellies hanging over your belt, but then suddenly you went on this amazing program with this amazing mentor and now have rock hard abs and you need to tell everybody about it, you might as well make money at it.

Affiliate marketing websites that are highly tailored to the success story of one appealing person, or a group of appealing persons, can benefit from non-diversification.

If you're fanatical about a product and the product "sell itself" some too, don't be afraid to commit all your affiliate marketing investment, at least at first, on that one great product.

Develop your voice, your why of this product's greatness, and then spout forth.

When Pay-Per-Click Ads Are Cheap

If you convert 1 customer out of 100, and your affiliate partners pays you $50 for each completed sale, and your website attracts 2,000 per day, you can make a pretty clean living each and every month, don't worry about bills, they won't bother you.

If, however, you convert 1 customer out of 100 on the same $50 payment scheme, and your website attracts 200,000 per day (not out of the question if you're good), well then…

You, my friend, are balling.

The quickest, most proven, most consistent mode of reliably attracting 200,000 per day is pay-per-click advertising, through the search engines. PPC is a major ramp-up tool.

If you can get pay-per-click love (and leverage) on some undervalued search terms related to your chosen single product, you may be onto something, and it may be BIG.

Some people call it cash flow.

When Real Life Tells You It's Right

We don't spill all our affiliate marketing secrets on these public pages.

It's no secret, though, that is people like your sales pitch in the real world, they are more likely to like your sales pitch online. Therefore, try your sales pitch on real life people.

Watch their faces, their eyes, their reaction.

Are you convincing?

Are you saying the right words, in the right way, to convince that person that this product may be right for them, and is certainly, certainly worth a look?

Affiliate Marketing Diversification Conclusion

When the conditions are right, concentrate your affiliate marketing efforts like a laser on a single affiliate program or even a single product, forgetting conventional wisdom entirely.

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