Credit cards and affiliate marketing work fantastically well together because people frequently search for credit cards over the Internet. Card Offers is the recognized leader in this industry, providing an innovative, even brilliant affiliate marketing program that pays superbly--up to $200 per approval. Especially if you maintain a website devoted to helping people with subpar credit, credit card affiliate marketing can be a real gold mine. Card Offers, in that case, could be the mother lode, turning your quirky little blog about your struggle with credit problems into a money machine--and helping other people like you in the process.
Ease of Use:
Credit card affiliate marketing is inherently challenging because the offers and terms vary widely and change all the time, plus the language used in the business is difficult to understand. Card Offers does a nice job of simplification, though, given the nature of the product. If you don't already have a site up and running, for example, Card Offers gives you plenty of templates to choose from. Or, if you'd rather not mess with any of the tech stuff at all, they'll actually make you a custom-created template for $89.95.
Card Offers is widely regarded as one of the best affiliate marketing programs on the Web. They offer a huge variety of cards from all the major credit providers, and their tracking systems are second-to-none. Card Offers produces copious amounts of information about what credit cards are available, rates, terms, and perks, and affiliates can use this information as well. As an affiliate, sending customers to Card Offers is a great experience because you know that the customer will find what they want here if anywhere, because here has most everything.
Customer Service:
Card Offers is a great example of a proactive customer service department. By keeping affiliates current via constant email updates on particular products, Card Offers maintains contact with its affiliates and keeps you in the loop. They also have a detailed FAQ that answers most common questions. If you have other issues, you can reach them by email and they'll customarily respond within a day. You can reach them by phone, too, but because they support so many affiliates, email is the much-preferred method for first contact.
Commission Rate:
There's a reason Card Offers supports so many affiliates, and that reason is: they pay outstanding commissions. Indeed, when added to their product selection--over 200 credit cards offered at this writing--it's no wonder that Card Offers is by far the most popular affiliate marketing program for credit cards. Credit cards for people with bad credit pay up to $200 for every approved application. (Yes, you read that right.) More standard credit cards typically pay between $3 and $25 per application, with no approval necessary, just an application. It's very important with this program to strategize what programs you're running, knowing your audience demographic and also adjusting your offerings based on what's getting clicks and what isn't.
Ease of Commission Payment:
Card Offers pays its affiliates monthly, by PayPal, wire transfer, or paper check. Online since 2001, Card Offers boasts a solid history of paying all of its affiliates on time and in full.